
pexels-photo-678248.pngseems I’ve been
unwound, pocket watch slowed
down, seconds lasting longer than
seconds should ever last
I hear ticking, slower
matching lub-dub heart
And blood sluggish
Flowing through tired veins
Blockaded arteries

Minutes passing
Grandmother clock
Refusing to chime…
Running out of time
The setting screw
Locked up tight

Can’t turn it anymore
The watch has lost it’s
Burnish and
The clock can’t be
Time, used to have so much
It passed quickly by
Hours just like seconds
Days could fly

Now I’m lagging
Torpid, morbid
I’ve lost my chime
Out of time
Waiting for
The very last


I am a freed prisoner from my own negative
As I run I doff my black and white
Shackles fall from my feet, making them light
Cuffs slip from wrists that wave, released

From bonds I can almost float
Skim the earth, barely touching, glide
Through air that rings freedom’s bells
Hear them chiming future possibility

Shake a hint of doubt, regret and uncertainty
My feet find the path despite all these,
Leading a way toward refuge, to
Salvation promised me from long ago

There I rest, imbibe that
Chilled wine of no inhibition
Become drunk on freedom of speech
Blurt out reality that isn’t welcome

My hand unbound can take up pen
Use it like a chain-gang hammer
To sledge out pain and release
Once-fettered joy that radiates

Out from loosened heart-strings
Hands draw the bow and fire
Arrows of once-tied remorse
To kill that negative for good

I am a freed prisoner
I can fly

Heart on Sleeve

Today I choose
To wear my
Heart on Sleeve
Painted there
Tattoo blazoned
Shining, roaring
Inner whisper turned
To outward howl
No hiding them:
Fear, anger, hatred
No more false face
Smoothing things over
Tucked neatly under glass
To suffocate
Denial of feelings
Such ingrained habit
Shoved down the gullet
Swallowed whole
Shed these like
The snake sheds skin
Raw and newness
Bare and naked
Now feel pain,
Anguish, grief
Run toward them
Not away to darkness
Mood sunken below
The briny depths
Without air or rescue
Instead, acknowledge each
Exquisite and unique
Universal and unending
But too there is joy
Hope, contentment
Do not shy from these
Emotion a language
I learn to speak
For the first time